Storage Shed Built Around Used Shipping Container
Old rail cars or shipping containers make cheap storage sheds on farms. Illinois farmer Robert Dunton took the idea one step further by using a shipping container as the main support for a building that he put up around it.
  "I bought the semi container from a local trucking company for $500," says Dunton. "They delivered it to our farm and then I hooked onto it with a tractor and pulled it to where I wanted it."
  The 8-ft. high shipping container serves as the center support for the 40 by 40-ft. shed. The container mounts on railroad ties, making the middle of the shed about 9 ft. high. A 16-ft. wide metal roof extends out each side from the top of the container and slopes down to 7-ft. high sides.
  To build the shed around the container, Dunton bolted 2 by 6's along the top of the trailer on both sides. He tied 2 by 6 rafters into them.
  "At first I used the container to store all our seed, moving it in and out with a hand-operated pallet mover. As our farm got bigger we started using forklifts to handle our seed. Now we use the container mainly to store miscellaneous equipment and parts."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Robert Dunton, 26494 E. County Road 1900 N., Topeka, Ill. 61567 (ph 309 256-2875).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #1